Central Tendency Dispersion
Mean 4.83 Range 5
Median(Q2) 5 MidRange 4.5
Mode 5 Interquartile Range (IQR) 2
Extremes Sum/ Quartiles
Min 2 Sum 29
Max 7 First Quartile (Q1) 4
Count 6 Third Quartile (Q3) 6


The mean calculator analyzes numerical data. The statistics mean, often referred to simply as the mean or average, is a measure of central tendency used to represent the typical value of a dataset. It is calculated by summing all the values in the dataset and then dividing the sum by the total number of values. The mean provides a single numerical value that reflects the central value of the data distribution.

Applications of Mean

Here is how the mean plays a crucial role in different sectors, aiding in analysis and decision-making:
Financial Analysis:
The mean helps in analyzing investment returns and portfolio performance, guiding investors in making informed decisions.
Business Operations:
It aids in evaluating sales figures, revenue streams, and profitability, assisting companies in optimizing operations.
The mean is used to assess patient data, treatment outcomes, and disease prevalence, supporting healthcare professionals in monitoring population health.
It helps in assessing student performance, analyzing test scores, and identifying learning gaps, benefiting educational institutions and educators.
Market Research:
The mean guides businesses in understanding customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and market trends, shaping marketing strategies and product development.

Mean Examples

Here are mean examples to find mean in different datasets:
Example 1:
Weekly Sales: 1200, 1500, 1800, 1400, 1600
Mean: 1500
Example 2:
Test Scores: 85, 92, 78, 88
Mean: 85.75
Example 3:
Employee Productivity: 40, 50, 45, 55
Mean: 47.5
Example 4:
Monthly Expenses: 1000, 500, 200, 300
Mean: 500
Example 5:
Survey Ratings: 45, 40, 38, 42
Mean: 41.25

Mean Calculator FAQ

Is the mean always equal to the median in a symmetric dataset?
In a perfectly symmetric dataset such as a normal distribution, the mean is equal to the median. However, in skewed datasets, the mean and median may differ.
In what situations is the mean preferred over the median or mode?
The mean is preferred when the data is normally distributed or symmetrical and does not contain extreme outliers. It is also useful when calculating averages or when precise numerical representation is required.
What does the mean tell us about a dataset?
The mean provides insight into the central tendency of the dataset. It gives us a single value that represents the overall average or typical value of the data points.
Can the mean be calculated for both small and large datasets?
Yes, the mean can be calculated for datasets of any size, whether small or large. However, larger datasets provide a more representative and stable mean.