Central Tendency Dispersion
Mean 15.87 Range 15
Median(Q2) 15 MidRange 17.5
Mode 10, 15, 20 Interquartile Range (IQR) 9
Extremes Sum/ Quartiles
Min 10 Sum 127
Max 25 First Quartile (Q1) 11
Count 8 Third Quartile (Q3) 20


The median calculator analyzes numerical data. The statistics median, often referred to simply as the median, is a measure of central tendency used to represent the middle value of a dataset. The median is the middle value in a sorted list of numbers. It divides the data set into two equal halves, with half of the values falling below the median and half above. The median is not affected by extreme values or outliers and provides a measure of central tendency that is resistant to asymmetrical distributions.

Applications of Median

Here is how the median is utilized in various fields to provide more accurate and reliable insights:
Income Distribution:
The median income is used to represent the typical income level in a population, helping in economic analyses and policy making.
Actuaries often calculate the median amount spend on healthcare each year by individuals so they can know how much insurance they need to be able to provide to individuals.
Real Estate:
Real estate agents also calculate the median price of houses to gain a better idea of the typical home price, since the median is less influenced by outliers compared to the mean.
Human Resources:
Human Resource managers also often calculate the median salary in certain fields so that they can be informed of what the typical middle salary is for a particular field.
Marketers also calculate the median revenue earned per advertisement so they can understand how well the median ad performs.

Median Examples

Here are median examples to find median in different datasets:
Example 1:
Exam Scores: 85, 90, 75, 90, 85, 80
Median: 85
Example 2:
Monthly Income: 2000, 3000, 2500, 4000
Median: 2750
Example 3:
Ages: 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55
Median: 40
Example 4:
Test Scores: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90
Median: 80
Example 5:
Temperatures: 68, 72, 75, 78, 82, 85
Median: 76.5

Median Calculator FAQ

When is the median a better measure of central tendency than the mean or mode?
The median is preferred in skewed distributions where extreme values or outliers are present. It provides a more robust estimate of central tendency, especially when the data is not normally distributed.
Can the mode and median be used together to describe a dataset?
Yes, using the mode and median together can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the dataset. The mode indicates the most common value, while the median gives the central value that separates the higher and lower halves of the data.
Can there be multiple medians in a dataset?
No, there can only be one median in a dataset. However, in datasets with an even number of values, there may be two middle values, and the median is the average of these two values.