Weighted Average of Three Numbers

The weighted average of three numbers, also known as the weighted mean of three numbers, is easily computed by our weighted average of three numbers calculator. It is a type of average where each of the three numbers is multiplied by a specific weight. The sum of these products is then divided by the sum of the weights to calculate the average. The weighted average of three numbers assigns different levels of importance to each of the three numbers based on their respective weights.

Weighted Average of Three Numbers Formula

To calculate weighted average of three numbers, multiply each number by its weight, sum the products, and divide by the total weights. You can also use the weighted average of three numbers formula for this,
A = w 1 x 1 + w 2 x 2 + w 3 x 3 w 1 + w 2 + w 3
A - Weighted average of three numbers | x1, x2, x3 - Numbers | w1, w2, w3 - Weights

Applications of Weighted Average of Three Numbers

Here are different real-world applications of weighted average involving three numbers:
Investment Analysis:
Calculate portfolio performance by weighting the returns of three different investments based on their respective investment amounts.
Employee Performance Reviews:
Assess employee performance by weighting scores from sales, customer feedback, and teamwork.
Real Estate Valuation:
Determine property values using weights for location, size, and condition.
Educational Assessment:
Calculate final grades with weights for homework, midterms and finals.
Customer Satisfaction Analysis:
Analyze customer satisfaction with weights for product quality, service, and price.

Weighted Average of Three Numbers Examples

Here are weighted average of three numbers examples to calculate weighted average of three numbers in different scenarios:
Example 1: Academic Performance
Data: Homework score: 85, Midterm exam score: 90, Final exam score: 80
Weights: Homework: 2, Midterm: 3, Final: 5
Weighted Average: 84
Example 2: Investment Values
Data: Stock A value: 10000, Stock B value: 15000, Stock C value: 5000
Weights: Stock A: 4, Stock B: 2, Stock C: 1
Weighted Average: 10714.28
Example 3: Employee Performance
Data: Sales performance: 80, Customer satisfaction: 90, Team collaboration: 85
Weights: Sales: 3, Customer satisfaction: 4, Team collaboration: 3
Weighted Average: 85.5
Example 4: Product Quality Assessment
Data: Material quality: 85, Production accuracy: 80, Packaging quality: 90
Weights: Material quality: 4, Production accuracy: 3, Packaging quality: 3
Weighted Average: 85
Example 5: Real Estate Valuation
Data: Location score: 90, Property size score: 80, Condition score: 85
Weights: Location: 5, Property size: 2, Condition: 3
Weighted Average: 86.5

Weighted Average of Three Numbers Calculator FAQ

Why use weights in averaging three numbers?
Weights are used in calculating the weighted average of three numbers to reflect the relative importance or significance of each number. By assigning different weights, more important numbers can have a greater influence on the final average, providing a more accurate representation of the data based on its context.
Can I use decimal weights in the calculation of the weighted average of three numbers?
Yes, you can use decimal weights in the calculation of the weighted average of three numbers. Decimal weights are commonly used to precisely represent the relative importance of each number, allowing for a more accurate and nuanced calculation of the weighted average.
Is the weighted average always within the range of the three numbers?
Generally, yes. The weighted average of three numbers typically falls within the range of the smallest and largest numbers. However, if the weights are significantly skewed, the weighted average might be closer to one of the extreme values, but it usually remains within the overall range.